Thursday, November 19, 2009

Little Peeps Birthday Cards

Designing children's birthday cards is always fun. Finding unique paper, coming up with layouts and adding embellishments make each card something special to make a child smile. I hope you like these two layouts. The monkey one is my fave!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Everybody loves Snowmen and Penguins

Watercolouring images always takes more time than straightforward stamping but I love the end result. It is like the little characters come to life when you colour them. So look at my little peeps and see what you think,

Friday, November 13, 2009

Christmas Cheer PPA 16

Here is my entry for the Paper Pal Arts challenge for a Christmas entry. I used the patterned pines hostess stamp set and the amazing dsp that works perfectly with brushed silver and taken with teal. This layout was a mojo layout a few weeks back. Thanks for looking!

Inspired by Chat

Once in awhile you come across someone who inspires your creativity. Chat would be that person for me. She has helped me create some great designs and I encourage you to visit her blog you won't be disappointed. Here is her address : . These are my Christmas cards that I made from her inspiration.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Get back in the program!

I am not sure how the time flew by, but suddenly the creation of Christmas cards has invaded my craft loft. So I thought I would share some of my new creations. I also have posted a photo of my newest plant. A very cool Christmas cactus!! It is in full bloom right now, not sure how long it will last but sure worth a picture. Enjoy.